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Monday, January 24, 2011

Website Monitoring Service Must Haves

 From checking Website average load time on a regular basis to alerting you of problems from locations around the world, a good Website monitoring service guarantees that your Website functions flawlessly. Website monitoring helps you ensure that your Website is functioning optimally and is accessible to Internet users every second.

A Website that is frequently inaccessible is likely to destroy customer loyalty and lose business. Ensuring that all of the elements of a Website are functioning properly is critical to maximizing your company's Web investment.For maximum control over your Website, Website monitoring must be transparent and the measurements it provides must be accurate.

Know More on Website Monitoring Service.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Effectively Monitor The Impact Of Third-Party Performance

How third-party content can impact Web site performance and why effective targeted monitoring of third-party content and add-ons is vital to IT, Web operations managers, and business stakeholders to ensure optimal Web site performance and a good user experience.

A slick-looking Web site is ultimately of limited effectiveness if all of the its bells and whistles are an impediment to system performance. Hence, the monitoring of system performance at the end-user/UI level is extremely important to ensuring a consistently excellent user experience.

By using the proper web performance tools in a targeted manner, both business managers and developers can effectively monitor the impact of third-party performance both on the individual component level and in the aggregate.

Read More on The Benefits of Third-Party Content Monitoring and Website Monitoring Service

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Enterprises must re-evaluate their approach to website performance management

In an RIA, the time to complete a Web page download may no longer correspond to something a user perceives as important, because (for example) the client engine may be prefetching some of the downloaded content for future use. 

Standard tools that measure the time for Web page downloads to complete can record misleading data for RIAs. In some cases, the client engine may not even invoke any standard Web page downloads once the application is launched, using asynchronous background communications for all server requests.

To implement RIAs successfully, enterprises must re-evaluate their approach to website performance  management. Instead of relying on the definition of physical Web pages to drive the subdivision of application response times, RIA developers or tool users must break the application into logical pages.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Improving Website Responsiveness Involves Tradeoffs

It is easy for a measurement tool to sit on a server and measure all requests for service—and this kind of measurement has its uses, especially when load testing or investigating bottlenecks. But because of the variety of implementation possibilities, a common problem when measuring RIAs is that related requests may appear to originate from separate units of work on the client.

Correlating seemingly separate measurements with a particular application activity, task, or phase is tricky. The more complex the client/server relationship, especially when it involves concurrent interactions, the harder it becomes for measurement and analysis tools to perform that correlation properly.

Having more design and implementation options also creates new opportunities for developers to make performance-related mistakes. Accidentally or deliberately, developers can implement “chatty” client/server communication styles that perform extremely slowly under some workload conditions. Even with thorough testing, some of these problems may remain undiscovered until after the application is deployed unless applications are subjected to a systematic SLM process that includes measurement
activities to identify, investigate, and fix them.

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